Oxidized Car Paint Repair


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This web site will show you how to restore the shine to faded, oxidized car paint and how to treat peeling clear coat. L’Oxide is an OxideOff emulsion that will react with and remove oxidation on car paints and clear coats, and applying the emulsion is an easy Do-It-Yourself operation. The emulsion will restore faded paint, rejuvenate peeling clear coat and areas of heavy oxidation, will remove minor scratches like key marks and will restore the shine to exterior trim and plastics. While the finish will not be as glossy as new paint , restoring existing paint and removing the oxidation is an easy DIY operation at a fraction of the cost of new paint.

Headlight Treatment:

Restore Dull and Cloudy Headlight Lenses: Unlike other headlight treatments, OxideOff emulsion is a simple wash, dry and wipe-on operation that will immediately remove oxidation deposits on aging headlights. These oxidation deposits cause headlights to look hazy, cloudy and dull, and restrict the amount of light that can transmitted at night. No buffing or polishing is required. Simply apply a thin layer of the emulsion with an open weave cotton cloth to restore clarity and brilliance.

Use on Trim Oxidized or faded paint is not the only application for OxideOff emulsion. Exterior trim and bumpers that have surface oxidation caused by prolonged exposure to the sun and elements can be rejuvenated and conditioned by simply wiping OxideOff emulsion over the selected areas with a cotton cloth. Apply thinly and see instantaneous results.

Use on Scratches and Swirls Minor scratches like those around car door, and swirls on trunks and hoods where packages have been placed and moved, become immediately invisible after wiping with OxideOff emulsion. This quick and easy Do-It-Yourself procedure restores the original appearance by eliminating unsightly blemishes.

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Application is an easy Do-It-Yourself (DIY) procedure to restore faded and oxidized car paints and rejuvenate peeling clear coat.

How to Restore Oxidized and Faded Car Paint